Thanks for the extensive reply!
Not only did you make me feel good about the ML's, you also made my day listing Parasound amps. I just bought a Parasound A21+ about 4 months ago (6-months-old, got it for half price). It replaced 30-year-old B&K mono blocks.
I keep hearing great things about Quad speakers on various forums. I've never had a chance to hear them and there does not seem to be any stores that sell them in the US, at least in Texas.
How do the latest from both companies compare?
I got ORC for free because it was given to early buyers of BACCH. I believe it now costs $1,000 to add it. I don't know how it compares to other room correction programs, but I get an almost flat frequency response in my large room.
I run ARC on my 13a's. BACCH doesn't affect it because its main purpose is to eliminate crosstalk.
BACCH recently added ORC (Optimal Room Correction) to its program. It's an add-on at a cost. It does a nice job of flattening the response line in my room.
Sorry, but you are wrong. It has been around for years, but not as beneficial as this.
This is nothing like headphones and binaural recordings. Headphones keep the sound stage in your head. This widens the sound stage in your room.
You don't need special recordings to benefit. Almost all...
Actually, BACCH works especially well with ML electro-stats. I have 13a's. The more directive the speaker the better. The XTC measurements I'm getting are between 13 and 17 dB, considerably higher than a lot of dynamic speakers get.
The 3-D effect is much better, the width of the sound stage is...
I noticed that they praised the blending of the woofers with the panels. I still read on other forums that ML's have a noticeable crossover. Supposedly the wave pattern differences between dynamic and ESL speakers make it impossible to blend
I've finally gotten through the learning curve of setting it up. Being a non-computer type, it took a couple of sessions with Edgar (developer of the product) to get proficient. The website makes it look pretty overwhelming, but most of what you see on the screen you never touch.
The difference...