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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. I

    Carver Silver 7T [SS] Mono Amps

    I have a pair of silver seven Ts that are collecting dust in need of restoration. Was always curious how they would sound with electrostatics.
  2. I

    2 Sets of ESL's for bigger sweet spot

    How would one measure the size of the “sweet spot” if experimenting with multiple sets of panels? I understand it’s a “know it when you hear it” kind of parameter, but the analytical in me likes to quantify. It would not just be db levels, as imaging and other factors probably weigh in when...
  3. I

    Panel rebuild guide?

    I started doing some testing on one of my damaged request panel this weekend. As advised, before attempting disassembly, I attempted to measure the Mylar tension. I can get flat edge toothpicks through the perforated stator to contact the Mylar, but was not satisfied with different approaches to...
  4. I

    Panel rebuild guide?

    I’ve got a pair of Request panels that could use refreshing, and I do love this kind of effort to enable documentation for DIY. @Jazzman53 where are you located? My main concern would be shipping the large panels without them getting damaged in handling.
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    ReQuest Melted Crossover Inductor

    Based on the pictures, I would suspect one or both of the resistors next to the inductor are the issue. I have seen and replaced a few of these resistors on quest/request speakers I’ve picked up second hand. If the matching crossover from the other speaker is in good condition, you could read or...
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    Custom ESL using quest panels

    I’d love to learn more about the aftermarket transformers you used. I have a spare pair of quests with one panel having a bad transformer. ML no longer supplies the part, so I need to go DIY with it to repair it, but have not seen any documentation on how. Would love to learn how you are driving...
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    grotto shipping box size

    I just had one shipped to me in a 22x22x18 box. Unfortunately, between the shipper not securing and wrapping it properly, and FedEx’s rough handling, it arrived not only damaged on the outside, but the sub did not power in anymore. I paid $250 for it, FYI. The moral: Pack it safely!
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    Hello from IL

    Welcome @MisterB , from a fellow IL resident! Sounds like a nice system you have. Great to have you here!
  9. I

    Added a Depth i to the Family

    lol, thanks! The choice was made by the previous homeowner, but it has grown on us, a little.
  10. I

    Added a Depth i to the Family

    I picked up a Depth i to pair with my ReQuests. I habeen using an old set of Velodyne servo subs, which had the extension to the low frequencies, but not the definition to match the electrostats. I’m still getting the Depth i dialed in, but it blends very well with the ReQuests. I know, the...
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    ReQuest-based Center

    @JonFo thank you for sharing the link and your design. Since posting, I have not worked on this project much. Aside from a little positioning, it is actually working quite well. I’ve made a few designs for incorporating the 12” driver with approximate volume equivalent to the original. Height...
  12. I

    ReQuest-based Center

    I’ve been looking for a good center channel to match the ReQuests that I use as fronts. Considered all the existing electrostatic-based ML centers, but then decided to try out using some spare ReQuest parts as a center. Panel is placed horizontally with some proof of concept 3D printed clips to...
  13. I

    ReQuest-based Center Channel

    I’ve been looking for a good center channel to match the ReQuests that I use as fronts. Considered all the existing electrostatic-based ML centers, but then decided to try out using some spare ReQuest parts as a center. Panel is placed horizontally with some proof of concept 3D printed clips to...