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    • RCHeliGuy
      RCHeliGuy replied to the thread Preamp recommendations.
      I'm still loving my Eversolo DMP-A8. It's about $2,000 and has everything you mentioned, but would need a separate phono preamp section.
    • RCHeliGuy
      RCHeliGuy replied to the thread Eversolo DMP A6 or A8 ?.
      Sounds like something is very wrong with it! FYI, the Z8 is a different product. The DMP A8 is about 3X the cost of the Z8. I have no...
    • RCHeliGuy
      RCHeliGuy replied to the thread Eversolo DMP A6 or A8 ?.
      They keep updating the software and I was using the phone app today and I saw the DSP room correction feature. It used my phone to...
    • RCHeliGuy
      RCHeliGuy replied to the thread Bose acquires McIntosh.
      I had a pull out Denon CD player in a BMW around 1990. I would leave it at home when I left my car at the airport.. I had an Alpine...
    • RCHeliGuy
      RCHeliGuy replied to the thread Favorite YouTube Channels?.
      In terms of mechanics, I've enjoyed some videos by the "Car Wizard". What is interesting is that he works on EVERYTHING including...
    • RCHeliGuy
      RCHeliGuy replied to the thread Eversolo DMP A6 or A8 ?.
      I completely missed this a while back. Always nice hearing happy noises about a purchase.
    • RCHeliGuy
      RCHeliGuy replied to the thread Favorite YouTube Channels?.
      Men are such easy targets! Beautiful girl or woman does anything technical and they are promoted to genius :) We really do have double...
    • RCHeliGuy
      RCHeliGuy replied to the thread Obsessive hobbies.....
      After 6 years I finally got out to the airfield and flew some of my RC Helicopters.
      • Flying2024_0424.jpg
    • RCHeliGuy
      RCHeliGuy replied to the thread Sedentary.
      I mostly listen to music playing board games with my wife. I can't sit still in front of my speakers for extended periods. I just can't.
    • RCHeliGuy
      RCHeliGuy replied to the thread Obsessive hobbies.....
      I put some time into a video and it seems to be doing well. It is the first video I scripted and used my DIY teleprompter. I have a...
      • CorrectOrientation.jpg
      • TeleprompterFrame.jpg
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