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    • DanR
      DanR replied to the thread What causes panels to wear out?.
      Couldn’t agree with you more Dave, for what the panels cost you wouldn’t come close to finding speakers that even come close to what the...
    • DanR
      DanR reacted to Davioj's post in the thread What causes panels to wear out? with Like Like.
      Hey Robert just what are you going to get for a $1000 dollars, I repaneled my reQuests and it cost me $2200 now I have a set of speakers...
    • DanR
      DanR reacted to amey01's post in the thread Preamp recommendations with Like Like.
      Exactly. And it's waaay better than a $3k preamp, daisy-chained in series to a streaming preamp, isn't it? You're making my point for me...
    • DanR
      DanR reacted to amey01's post in the thread Preamp recommendations with Like Like.
      I'm not misconstruing anything - you asked on a forum for my opinion, so you got it. Take it or leave it. I wouldn't expect anyone to...
    • DanR
      DanR reacted to amey01's post in the thread Preamp recommendations with Like Like.
      My point was, he doesn't need the linestage. The R150B is a $10k streamer/DAC/preamp, replete with analogue-in. Why would the OP buy...
    • DanR
      DanR reacted to Lightloopy's post in the thread Preamp recommendations with Like Like.
      I was looking for a replacement for my aging CJ Premier 16 and Stephen Monte at Quest for Sound loaned me the Backert Rhumba Extreme...
    • DanR
      DanR replied to the thread Preamp recommendations.
      After reading your response I went and read the Absolute Sound review of the hi-fi rose unit, and I think you hit the nail on the head...
    • DanR
      DanR replied to the thread Preamp recommendations.
      I’ve been a customer of Bob’s for years now check his company out. His units are hand built by him and his son. They both do high...
    • DanR
      DanR replied to the thread Preamp recommendations.
      Well Tmort there is a unit on Audiogon right now it might even be in your budget. Buying used you could get it if you didn’t like it re...
    • DanR
      DanR replied to the thread Preamp recommendations.
      Tmort I like the way you are thinking that MagTech deserves a nice equal quality preamp, I’m one of those that believes the preamp is a...
    • DanR
      DanR reacted to ttocs's post in the thread MORE Isolation Feet? with Like Like.
      Your dealer should supply them. But if not, then you can request directly from Focal/Naim, just supply them your order info. They are...
    • DanR
      DanR reacted to amey01's post in the thread 13A Panel Warranty with Like Like.
      Again, at the cost, this is a high-end, perfectionist product. Hoping you "may not" notice a "material" difference shouldn't be part of...
    • DanR
      DanR reacted to Jazzman53's post in the thread What causes panels to wear out? with Like Like.
      I'm not familiar with ML models and specs (not a ML owner) but I think 180Hz is too low to set the crossover on any hybrid ESL panel...
    • DanR
      DanR reacted to Tosh's post in the thread What causes panels to wear out? with Like Like.
      Woofer later. Active crossover first.
    • DanR
      DanR replied to the thread What causes panels to wear out?.
      If the original woofers are still functional just save them, that’s what I did with my Odyssey woofers. That way if you did ever sell...
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