Hope there will be some new dealers in FL to replace Tweeter/Sound Advice.
IMHO, it remains to be seen/heard if there really is a significant sonic improvement, or mainly cosmetics.
It may sound better, but the Spire does too, At damn near 1/2 the cost, ! A crossover change and you have a new speaker! With out the capability of any upgrades to the original speaker.
Sure it may sell to the people who cant use the CLX as of room constraints but the Spire will take care of that at a far better cost ! Hey even if you need a sub its still a good bit cheaper!
Guys, why pass judgement before you hear the things?
Hah! Looks like they listened to our advice re longer spikes to allow more vertical tilt adjustments!
ML dealers (at least the ones I deal with) either will not take trades or offer such little money, they are not feasible. Audiogon is a PITA as is packing those things to be shipped. I think we're scr_wed!
Just my opinion but You Summit owners got the shaft. What a poor thing to do to you guys.(no Upgrade)
I just find it difficult to believe that ML will abandon us on this one. They need to remember that prior to the CLX we were the people that purchased their flagship. Not that we are any more special than the rest of the ML owners, it's just that people who purchase flagship products do so because they anticipate more out of it than the rest do. Part of that anticipation is that we won't be left behind come upgrade time and we will have an upgrade path that doesn't involve moving to a speaker that is (1) very expensive, (2) at best is ugly as sin and (3)requires a lot of space to bloom (I'm talking about the CLX if anyone didn't get that..lol).
If ML fails to ultimately provide an upgrade for the Summit, I know it will have serious influence on what will be my next speaker. It can't and won't be a CLX based on the aforementioned problems with the CLX. I am sure that there are others that feel that way.