Here comes the inevitable from User211...
I can categorically state that the 211 is the finest sounding amplification device I have ever heard. Every 211 based amp I have ever come across has always sounded great in my book. There must be some naff Chinese ones around, I expect, but you have to try hard to make this device sound bad. Very hard.
Positive aspects of my amps driving Ascents include:
1) Complete seemlessness from top to bottom.
2) Really spacey and airy and very 3D.
3) Stacks of power - at least for Ascents.
4) Great for really long sessions. I often start at 3-4pm when I get home from work on a Friday, and am not done until 2 in the morning many a time.
5) Nice heat output in the winter.
6) You can marvel at how great devices made in the early part of last century actually sound.
7) Pure pride of ownership.
8) Great devices to collect. And they don't depreciate. Rather the opposite, in fact. Not much in hi-fi you can say that about. And it's a really nice feeling to actually own some of the original NOS classics likes RCAs. And a the truly beautifully made Amperex brass bases.
9) They look totally cool.
This device slaughters the 6550/KT88 in my book. My Air Tight ATM2 just sucked by comparison - even with the finest KT88s I could find. It's Ken Kessler's favourite valve/tube. Hell, even Martin Colloms rates the 211 based Cary's extremely highly - and generally he has totally different taste to me.
I'd better shut up before I put 211 prices through the roof...

And most of you have heard it all before...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
I thought I'd add one rather bizarre property that for the life of me I will never understand. With a good recording they sound very accurate and detailed, like there is nothing wrong in any way. But with poor recordings, they make the best of it, but oddly they cease to sound accurate. It's as if they know how to make the best of them. How can they do that? It is as if they "know".
With all the SS amps I have ever known or owned, they tend to slaughter poor recordings - they just sound unpleasant. But I am not denying that some SS amps are excellent given great recordings - they truly are. Gamut and Electrocompaniet are two of my favourites. I like Pass amps too. But overall, I prefer the compromises - and it always is a compromise, provided by my amps. They are NOT for sale, and won't be for a long time.