More Wood - Acoustics this time

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2005
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This is very strange, breaks all the rules I know of and have experienced myself.

Wood in the center space, I don't understand how that's going to help with imaging.

What do you think?
04-24-03: Happi626
no it is a maple tabletop i have to saw to piece. wood it does to my system sound 3d dimension is very difference with alot system that i have try, with cost more than my.very focus sound. my mid,low and high it not great but something magical in there , and sound alot of air you could feel the singer in your room. for me i think if someone still used class or other material need to change to wood (maple hard or soft) that help alot
oh and cutting board it not that thick
thank you and happy listening
Happi626 (System | Threads | Answers)

04-24-03: Happi626
no it is a maple tabletop i have to saw to piece. wood it does to my system sound 3d dimension is very difference with alot system that i have try, with cost more than my.very focus sound. my mid,low and high it not great but something magical in there , and sound alot of air you could feel the singer in your room. for me i think if someone still used class or other material need to change to wood (maple hard or soft) that help alot
oh and cutting board it not that thick
thank you and happy listening
Happi626 (System | Threads | Answers)

I would not take ANYTHING that someone that types in such broken english as worthy of my consideration. I learned my 2nd language in the AMERICAN school system and I can make more sense than that guy. :p
I agree. This guy doesn't make enough sense to be taken too seriously. My guess is the weight of the wood on his preamp cuts down on vibrations and that is the difference he is hearing. Or it is just all in his head. Judging by the equipment he has set up, I bet it sounds pretty darn good with or without the wood.
You and I preamp and the one in the picture. Would set anything on top of it? How would the tubes breathe???? I would think it would get really hot and not work too well after while.

Jeff :cool:
1. I assumed the guy was from Hong Kong or something. I think it's safe to assume that English is not his first language.

2. If you click the link you will see that there is a metal tray allowing at most 1/4" of air cavity over the pre-amp. I would not do this myself, heck I have the cover off my tube pre-amp.

3. The closest I've come to the set-up in question is in arranging pillows on top of my TV. The TV is in between the front speakers and covered with a plaid wool blanket for serious listening. The less up there, the better has been my experience.

Rich said:
I agree. My guess is the weight of the wood on his preamp cuts down on vibrations and that is the difference he is hearing.
I use a VPI Brick on my PreAmp and it does improve my sound. But it does not cover up the ventilation as the pictures shown for their example.

Great points, all. Reducing vibrations is one thing, but you gotta let those tubes breathe!

Un-freaking-believable..........................I'm still scratching my head.

My post a few days ago:

10-18-06: Kach22i
WARNING: Do not block off air holes on top of tube pre-amp!

I had more than just my eyes look at your set-up. Everyone thinks you have blocked off the air holes - very bad.

Reference thread/link:

I trust you will take the steps to fix this ASAP.

Response from some clueless person:

10-19-06: [email protected]
Why? Would it make more sense to spike the wood from the floor?
[email protected]

My response:

Why not block the air holes?

Are you serious?

Because you don't want to overheat your preamp and ruin it.

Heck it may even catch fire and burn your house down.

Is that reason enough for you?
I can see it now. His wife is going to come home and ask…Honey! Why does it smell like burring maple wood in here? As his tube amp burst’s into flames. :rolleyes:
Zip3kx07 said:
I can see it now. His wife is going to come home and ask…Honey! Why does it smell like burring maple wood in here? As his tube amp burst’s into flames. :rolleyes:

I suspect his wife may be in the Vonage commercial, where she is saying "Lets go swim with the dolphins!!!" :)
